Integrated Modules

Student module

Multiple record keeping system, Class-wise student details including personal and academic information.

  • Teachers can access personal information, attendance, and timetable.
  • Automated student attendance, both subject wise and or daily basis.
  • Share relevant course and reference materials with pupil.

Teacher module

Easy access to personal, professional and schedule information about teachers.

  • Access information such as fee, attendance, exam details, study materials, class routines and much more.
  • Access study materials and class notes relevant to their curriculum.
  • Prior access yearly events and notifications which help student remain up to date.

Parent module

Separate portal for parents to monitor overall performance of their child.

  • Monitor overall performance of their children. Stay connected to the school effectively and easily.
  • Frequent interaction with teachers and active participation in school activities.
  • Discuss issues related to the child’s performance interactively with teachers.

Attendance module

Simple and easy Student registry. Student attendance based on subject wise and/or daily basis. Individual student and class wise attendance report in date range, monthly and yearly attendance register. Summary is shared among parents, teachers and students. Track daily attendance of student by periods or subject. Simple and easy interface to check off your students.

Fee Management module

Helps account department in managing student’s fees and generating receipt quickly with the provision to add miscellaneous expenses. Keeps track of fee details of individual students, their payment records along with dues and fines applicable. Fee receipt, Admission fee setup and Fee discount settings, Dynamic fee structures for different types of students with scholarships and waivers.

Study Material Management

Share relevant course and reference materials with pupil. Pool of resource material based on the curriculum helps students understand subject better. Manage study material for effective and efficient sharing of course ware among students and teachers. Provides inbuilt file storage feature for sharing study materials with teachers and students.

Notice Board

All the schedule and notices of the institute can be incorporated in this notice board section of the system. The school will no more have to inform parents individually. Students too can check their class routine in the section of the system making communication method much easier and effective, All the schedule and notices of the institution can be incorporated in this notice board section of the system.

Internal Messaging System

Easy and effective internal communication among teacher, parents and school administration. The system has an Inbuilt messaging system. Admin or the teachers can send tailored message to parents and students. Admin can also send tailored message to the teachers and other staffs using the system. Institutes can also integrate instant student absence notification to parents.

Student Disciplinary Module

Yearly event calendar for different events & activities. Can mark if an event is a holiday. Simple yet powerful tool for keep tracking and reporting infractions to prevent future incidents. Keeps record of the disciplinary issues of students with instant notification to their respective parents. Instant access to students complete disciplinary history when speaking with parents.

Transportation Management

Manage Route and route stops efficiently and easily. Bus Stop wise fee collection. Details of vehicle can be easily recorded with added information like fuel log book. Customized Report generation for vehicles, route, bus stops and other information. Schools and parents can track the buses with no more hassle. The bus routes can be incorporated, edited and deleted with an ease. This system manages routes and stops efficiently and easily. This tool in the system also helps schools or the admin to determine fees based on bus stops.

Examination & Result module

Flexible exam setting, separate mark and grading system setting for individual course. Scholastic based evaluation with Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) pattern. Assign various subject papers for classes, Elective subject setting for Individual students. Exam result analysis by Class, Grade, subject and more. Export analytical results to Excel PDF. Create mark sheets quickly and efficiently and never worry about losing them ever. Exam schedules, portions, syllabuses and evaluation reports can be fetched from exam module.

Library Management

Easier transaction of books and journals with automatic renewal and return date. Keeps track of allotment of books to students/staffs and stock management of books. Students have more freedom to browse through library books catalog. No more hassle of tracking the books issued or returned by the students/teachers. Easier transaction of books and journals with automatic renewal and return date. This system helps librarian to manage the stocks of books.

SMS Integration

Inbuilt messaging system, Send tailored message to parents, teachers and students. Instant student absence notification to parents. Due fee SMS and result notifications. Offers bulk SMS’s. Schools or educational institutes can now send bulk or group SMS with an ease. No need to send customized written message or spend institute resources in printing the messages. Admin or the class teachers can inform about notices and events with SMS notification.

Hostel Management

Manage hostel and dormitory, assign wardens. Student transfer and management from one hostel to another. Generate customized report for hostel details. This system helps manage hostel and dormitory. The institutes or the admin can also assign the wardens. All the record involving student transfer one hostel to another can be managed too. With all these, the admin can also generate customized report.

Event & Holiday Management

Yearly event calendar for different events & activities. Can mark if an event is a holiday. Holidays and events use different color codes for easy understanding. All the stakeholders get prior information regarding school events and holidays and plan accordingly.